
Welcome GunDB to our Open Web Protocol Stack!

Today, the Open Web stack grows with GunDB, a distributed graph database that works in a decentralized network in a peer-to-peer way.


Fleek Storage is out of Beta: New Architecture & Performance Boost ⚡

The V2 of our Fleek Storage product is out, and it is packing a major performance boost, as well as architecture changes that enable high-availability and robustness.⚡


Fleek in 2020, Looking Back to Our First Year

From the expected, to the extremely and globally unexpected, we’re grateful to look back at our run this 2020 and see that, since Fleek’s release in the year’s first quarter, all changes that came pushed us forward to reach new heights and better help build the Dweb.


Why ENS Names are Much More Than Domains

ENS domains have the power to combine multiple web services (banking, billing, hosting, authentication, identity, etc...) into a single, frictionless one. Learn how this new web stack changes and simplifies how we build websites and web applications.
